The Lost Fountain
Max sat on the steps for hours, thinking it over. The journey would be dangerous, he might not make it back alive, but if there was even a chance that the lost Fountain of Kurupira really existed, then he had to try and find it. It was either that, or spend the rest of his life as a skinny, shy nerd, who would forever be walked over by his so-called friends, and ignored by the girls he was attracted to. There was one girl in particular named Camila, who he wanted to be with more than anyone. However, with his current twink-like body, he knew he had no chance.

So, the very next morning, Max ventured off into the forest, in search of the lost fountain. Weeks and then months passed by, without anyone seeing or hearing from him. Max’s friends and family were beside themselves with worry.

Then one day, a handsome muscular boy strode into the town. Nobody recognised him at first, but when he arrived at his family home and announced himself, his family looked closely into his face, and realised that their lost son Max had indeed returned home. They were overjoyed to see him, but also astounded by how different he had become. He was several inches taller, and his once skinny body was now thick with powerful muscles. A strange tattoo had been inked onto his left shoulder, and he brought with him an air of confidence, almost arrogance, as he purposefully strode around the small town, which seemed too small for him now.

Camila suddenly paid attention to Max in a way she never had before, finding herself quickly falling in love with him in the way he had once fallen in love with her. However Max had changed in other ways too. It was no longer women who caught his eye, and when Camila walked into her home to find Max fucking her brother, she was heartbroken.
But Max barely noticed Camila now. He was far more interested in fucking his way through the male population of the village, which he did with ease. Something about his transformation had made him incredibly desirable to men, even straight guys. Max understood this to be his purpose now. In return for gifting him with amazing body, the Fountain of Kurupira had given him a mission to bring sexual pleasure to men throughout the land. Soon, Max exhausted the supply of men in his home village, and so he moved to a nearby city to continue his mission. Working as a male model, he continued to bring pleasure to men far and wide, and the Fountain was pleased with his work.
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